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It’s possible you might not have conceived of cleaning your home and furnishings with the food that you cook with and eat. Yet today, with the trends shifting towards healthier, chemical-free environments in the home, you might be interested to know that amongst the lemon, vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, olive oil, essential oils, and borax recipes that have surfaced from days-of-old – coconut is today’s up-and-coming all-round product for personal health and the health of your home.
Coconut – the antimicrobial and antifungal oil – is good for your body because of the lauric acid, which boosts the healthy kind of cholesterol in the body – along with vitamin E, K and iron. There are, however, numerous other applications of this great oil; whether you are using it to nourish your skin, hair, as a body scrub, aid in calcium and magnesium absorption, or for shaving – coconut oil is beneficial as a cleaner, sanitizer and conditioner. It is a conditioner for wooden utensils and furniture; leather goods; it cleans bronze, and experts talk about its ability to remove rust from steel. The oil can be utilized for appliances with motors that require lubrication. The sewing machine is a good example. Use it for cleaning your paintbrushes instead of turpentine.
Bathrooms too can benefit from cleaning the soap scum from your bathtub, shower and sinks. Not only that – squeaky door hinges can be oiled with coconut oil to eliminate noisy doors. Your indoor plants will also benefit from a wipe over with a soft cloth doused with a small amount of coconut oil. And if the gum is an issue with your children and your carpets – simply use coconut oil to remove the sticky problem.
And in case you might wish to use the coconut for your garden – the byproduct or fibrous husk known as coir can be used to supplement soil instead of using peat moss or mulch. Coir is free of bacteria and fungal spores, helping to deter snails and slugs from delicate plants. It is used as a growing medium holding calcium, magnesium, particularly in hydroponic growth. Coir also releases potassium and nitrogen. The husks are considered a sustainable product simply because they are a waste product that is renewable.
Coconut oil and the coconut husk have been described as the “should-be” household staple. This is a natural and healthy food and cleaner to have in your home in place of chemical cleaners, and for around your property. As far as keeping a healthy environment in your home, themaxim today says, “If you can’t eat it, you shouldn’t be cleaning with it.”