Radon Mitigation

Radon Mitigation – The Home Maintenance Project You Never Wanted
We may not be the bearer of bad news but we can fix the bad news
Another home repair project and this time it’s something you’ve never even heard of and you can’t even see it. You just fixed that last thing not that long ago and you expected just a bit more time before the next one came up! How inconsiderate of your house – it didn’t even give you an appreciation cookie. Who can be expected to keep on top of these things?
We hear you. Radon is the uninvited visitor, the pain in your butt of home maintenance. It is far more exciting sometimes to take on those flashy everyone-notices-the-updates-in-your-home renovation projects but keeping your health and family top of mind is the most noble pursuit. It’s like your parents used to say:
“It’s all fun and games until the omnipresent soil gas radon shows up to the party and starts throwing its health hazard around”
…okay your parents probably didn’t say that but I’m a parent and I just said it, so that’s at least partially true for at least a couple kids. It’s not the most exciting home maintenance pursuit but we can help make it the easiest undertaking with our expert technicians.
Our team is great and I’m not entirely saying that because I’m biased. Our technicians are perfectionists looking to create the most efficient and effective systems possible for your home. We love what we do and take it seriously. So seriously that our lead technician is on both the Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (CARST) Board of Directors and the C-NRPP Policy Advisory Board. We are Consumer Choice Award winners, hold A+ BBB membership, are COR safety certified, have glowing reviews on Google, Homestars and Facebook and are beloved by pretty close to all of our customer’s dogs and the more outgoing children.
As disappointed as I know you must be to take on yet another home maintenance project you couldn’t be in better hands and the cost is likely much less than you think. Our website is full of useful bits of information and our professional technicians are always available to answer your questions or provide a free, no obligation quote.
Need Testing Info? Check Out this blog post – https://radoncare.ca/blog/2021/11/19/how-do-i-choose-between-alpha-track-and-crm-tests/
Need Expert Advice? Give us a Call at 1-844-RADONCA (772-6622) or fill out a request at https://radoncare.ca/book/