Real Estate Planning
Real Estate Planning 2020
With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season now past, coming into the New Year and early January winter is a time for quiet and exciting reflection. What are you planning for the New Year? What ideas, challenges, changes or opportunities might present themselves in alignment with your needs? Creating a timeline from one to twelve months, facilitates the where and how you focus necessary attention in creating lifestyle changes; whether buying or selling your home, if you’re first time buyers, expanding family, investor, relocating or empty-nesters; renovating, landscaping, upgrading, downsizing or relocating.
These many real estate considerations and options impel you to contemplate your 2019 timeline; hopefully pleasant and exciting.
So what’s the integrating factor that makes changes to lifestyle, selling or purchasing a home follow through quickly, easily and naturally? The luxury of planning in advance is time well spent visioning in your mind and creating on paper together with every member of your family. The vision becomes clearer and stronger when talked through every step of the way with a targeted, pragmatic approach.
You might ask:
- What does our dream home look like
- What neighborhood is it situated
- Which school and community amenities are beneficial for the family
- Do we need the convenience of public transit
- How close is the nearest shopping center
- What are our timelines
- If relocating, when do we start making arrangements
- What renovations do we wish to invest in this year? What is the timeline
- How would little Jason or Carly like to have their bedrooms re-decorated
- Which appliances need replacing and when
- What’s our budget
- What action steps can be taken to save money and energy with utilities
- And what about the vegetable garden we wish to plant
Unanimous decisions within a family are the perfect recipe for the smooth transitioning through upgrades, or from one location and home to another.
Real Estate Planning