Finding Balance For The Turning of the Season
Finding Balance For The Turning of the Season
A traditional art and system to create harmony and balance in the home and on your property is Feng Shui. This discipline originated in the Far East thousands of years ago, and today is more widely known and accepted around the world regarding the working premise of “healthy homes.”
Originally founded around the same intention, a number of different schools of thought, tradition and rituals evolved. With its worldwide dissemination, much of the ancient origin has been watered down for the ready, quick and easy consumption of the layman. The basic premise though that balance is necessary and important in our stress-filled, fast-paced lives is true and relevant today. This art bridges the outer world with our inner world; discovering, harnessing and enhancing the energy and interconnectedness of both in a way that is both energizing as well as supportive for a peaceful and nurturing life and environment.
In addressing the placement of objects, consideration of the balance of the elements – earth, fire, water, wood and metal goes a long way to creating real balance, a sense of peace and wholesomeness reflected in our lives. Whether you use colour, like a blue painting to represent water, or red cushions to bring in the fire element, you are effectively bringing the balance of nature into your own home. One thing we need to be cognizant of and remember though is the adage “less is more.” We discover this truth when looking at consumerism, and in deciding just how much extra we have for the convenience of our modern day-to-day lives.
A great exercise would be to go through each of the rooms in your home. Now is a good time too because we are moving through the tail end of the full “fire” energy of summer, and transitioning into the quietening, more introvert emotional “water” energy of fall. The changing of the seasons is a good time for reflection on our lives. The outer world is a mirror of our inner world. And as this is so, you could be asking yourself how and why you can and need to change, move, de-clutter your belongings, furniture or furnishings. Give your home a face-lift. Ask yourself how this translates and will have a positive effect on my personal life?
Consider repainting with new warming colours; changing up and blending new and rich textures of items like cushions, rugs, linen, and other objects and ornaments. When we do this we are creating space that will open up for newness to come into our lives – physically, personally, relationally and abundantly through our chosen work or passion for creativity.
Work your way through your home — room by room, behind doors, going through closets, clearing out drawers, tidying desktops, giving the kitchen and pantry a thorough clean and going over. Your actions as well as your intentions are to clear out old and stale energy. You are making way for new energy to come into your life.
The operative word here is intention. What is your intention for your life? How is your life progressing? What would you like to see happening in your life to manifest your goals? And what action steps do you take, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually to create the shift and transition you are intending for your life, and that of your family? Remember your home and property is a reflection of you, your life and your goals and intentions for yourself. Make the best of it.
Finding Balance For The Turning of the Season