Moving Along

Are you moving home? How organized are you? Moving preparations should start four to six weeks ahead of time.
First: itemize everything you are taking, giving away, selling or discarding.
Make a list of items to be packed.
Determine how much packing material you require.
Decide on the moving company and confirm your moving day.
What will they help you with? What are their restrictions?
Contact your Health Professional, Dentist and utility companies, insurance, bank and other organizations to notify them of your new address. Complete the Post Office change of address form.
Keep an itemized list of the piled well-marked boxes to one side in each room. Note the large items the movers will wrap and transport as is.
Three weeks: use up dry, frozen and canned goods. Large insulated picnic coolers are perfect to pack remaining frozen foods just before moving. Go through your storage shed and garage. Empty the gas from your lawnmower. Clean tools, dry and pack them away securely. Disassemble large exercise equipment and wrap well. Clean your barbeque and pack utensils with your kitchen cutlery. Movers will not pack inflammable. Find the nearest recycling unit for items like old paint cans, batteries, old computers. Place delicate planters into open boxes or plastic containers. All special furniture and equipment can be packed, carefully at this time.
Two weeks: clean out your oven, microwave, dishwasher and fridge.
Pack all the glassware, cutlery and china left in your kitchen. Finalize insurance and utilities – close accounts and confirm your new address.
One week: ensure your children’s favourite toys, books, sports equipment or musical instruments are easily accessible. Check rooms for anything else to be packed. If you are taking window coverings, the rods can come down for packing. Track where your clothing, cleaning supplies and kitchenware is that you will need the first few days. Draw a plan of your new home so the movers know which rooms you have designated for the numbered boxes and furnishings.
Moving day: check each room. You may wish to have a cleaning company do a final clean up. Check all doors and windows are locked and secure. At your new home be available to answer questions, checkboxes off from the list and confirm where they are going. Ensure your valuables are in a designated safe place.
Moving can be a daunting, stressful task, requiring attention weeks ahead. Take everything in stride. Track your time and progress with ease, comfort and confidence. Moving is an exciting time for the family, and if everyone is constructively involved it can be a fun adventure.