Your kitchen

Tackling the kitchen can be a little daunting… okay, maybe really
daunting. Trying to design a kitchen that is both functional yet stylish
can be tough, let alone actually getting into the ring and cooking
delicious homemade meals yourself. But here’s the thing: kitchens
aren’t just a trend and more and more homeowners are getting inspired
to take on what is arguably the most important room in the home. This
year, the 2019 Edmonton Fall Home Show is packed with experts ready
to give you the advice you need when it comes to kitchen design and
On the main stage, Vancouver’s Jamie Banfield is sharing his
top tips for kitchen renovations and right next door on the Cooking
Stage, Emily Mardell of is sharing her tips
on creating delicious and easy meals using local foods. You can catch
them both in person at the Edmonton Expo Centre on October 18-20. For
now, here are some of their tips to create your dream life, in the kitchen.
“People are putting more emphasis on their cooking spaces and are
being very strategic when it comes to designing their dream kitchens,”
says Banfield. “Kitchens are one of the most used spaces in the home,
so every detail counts.”
Emily Mardell, a registered dietician, couldn’t
agree more. “I feel so blessed to be able to cook in such a functionally
beautiful, and inspiring space. My favourite thing about my kitchen is
the island. It’s the centrepiece of our home, and where we gather to
cook, eat, and share. Even if we only have 15 minutes to recount our
day, it’s the best 15 minutes hands down.”
When it comes to renovating kitchens, it can sometimes seem simple,
but according to Banfield “before long, you’re gutting down to the studs
and starting from scratch. This area can be tricky and oftentimes, you
may not be able to see all the costs with your eyes,” notes Jamie. “For example, even upgrading your appliances can be a bit more work than you
imagined since some new technology might require an upgrade to the
electrical panel.”
The kitchen plan should take time and be well thought
out. “It’s a lot more than just adding more counter space or changing up
the backsplash. You have to consider the function, flow and fit of every
item and design elements to ensure you keep loving your space for
longer.” Finally, Jamie suggests investing in items that get the most used
in your day-to-day life such as your appliances, hardware and sink and
faucet. The joy in cooking at home isn’t going anywhere anytime soon
and will last forever with a kitchen designed right for you.
Eating local has definitely become an important value for many
Canadian families across the country. “For me, the value of eating
local extends well beyond the benefits of freshness, seasonality, and
nutrition. Eating local empowers my whole family to cultivate a more
joyful relationship with the food on our table. After all, knowing where
your food is grown, and the hard-working hands and hearts responsible
for it—is a special thing.”
Many homeowners are inspired to make a
change when it comes to their nutrition and supporting local, however,
some struggle with the balance of eating right, what’s convenient and
are concerned with the cost of it all. “Finding time to cook is more
about creating time than having time. We’re all busy, but prioritizing
eating together is something you’ll never regret. Set aside an hour, or
two each week to prep a recipe, or a few ingredients to help kick-start
quick, healthy meals.” For Mardell’s family, meal planning is a great way
to ensure balance, both in the wallet and in the kitchen. “Meal planning
can be a helpful way to stretch food dollars.
Knowing what you’re
making, what you have on hand, and what you need to buy definitely
helps keep the grocery list to the essentials. Enjoying frozen fruit, and
veggies are a great way to save money, too. Frozen at peak freshness,
and nutrition makes them a healthy, practical choice.” Her tip? “You
don’t need to over plan! Prepare just do enough to give you a head start,
and allow your creativity, and appetite to guide what you make.”
Curious to know more? Stop by the Edmonton Fall Home Show at the
Edmonton Expo Centre on October 18-20. The main stage and cooking
stage will be chock-full of Edmonton’s best, waiting to share their design
tips, tricks and food samples! Between creating your dream kitchen
to cooking meals you can’t stop dreaming about, The Edmonton Fall
Home Show is the one-stop-shop for industry knowledge and advice.
Real home advice from
trusted home experts.
Is your do-it-yourself a don’t? Get real home advice from trusted
experts at the Edmonton Fall Home Show. See Canada’s favourite
handyman, HGTV’s Bryan Baeumler on Friday, October 18th and
Saturday, October 19th for practical advice and inspiration for all your
home projects – however large or small. With hundreds of experts all
under one roof, find great deals, new ideas and inspiration at every
turn. Satisfaction guaranteed, or the cost of admission is on us.