Building Over Your Garage

Building Over Your Garage
Are you planning some renovations this spring, and do they involve building over your garage?
Do you have your bedroom situated over the garage in your current home? There are some specific rules according to Feng Shui regarding living over a garage. In the last couple of decades, construction of homes has placed master bedrooms over the garage – even though it might make for greater square footage, this design could have its drawbacks.
The initial consideration according to Feng Shui experts, is regarding the insulation in the garage.
Most garages are not properly insulated both for sound, temperature and other pollution. It doesn’t take much common sense to realize why having a bedroom or family room over the garage is not a practical idea.
According to Feng Shui – the garage is used for storage, and is not a space designated for living quarters.
It is an open space typically populated with metal shelving, racks and outdoor equipment, as well as chemicals like fertilizers, gas containers for the lawnmower, or paint. With cars going in an out and the use of automatic garage doors, the overall sense of having a bedroom over a garage may leave homeowners experiencing less than peaceful or sound sleeps; nor feeling grounded, or relaxed in their bedroom.
There are simple actions to take to remediate some of the issues around sleeping above a garage.
Some might include: carpeting your bedroom; insulating your garage; making sure not to idle your vehicle while still inside the garage, and having proper ventilation in your bedroom. Some experts may suggest placing two cedar trees either side of the garage walls, as a way to have “living” energy growing up and connecting the ground to the second floor over the open space of the garage. Placement of your bed and the direction you sleep in is vitally important. Your head must be against a permanent wall. Calling a Feng Shui expert in to advise you in this regard is important.
If you are looking to purchase a house, you can consider your options – especially if you like a home that places the master bedroom over the garage. And if you are building, now that you are informed about the potential issues of having a bedroom over your garage, you may want to redesign your plans and explore other options with your architect or contractor. In the long run, your peace of mind and physical health will not be compromised, and you will be much happier with your informed choices.