Teen Space
Teen Space
What’s important and relevant to you for your bedroom space may not be what’s on the priority list of your teenager when it comes to decorating their bedroom – making their space their own.
Teenagers love to have a sanctuary away from the demands and expectations of parents, teachers, peers, and siblings.
A little understanding goes a long way especially when it comes to teenagers. They need space for their self-expression – whatever that may look like. An invitation to collaboratively create something they will enjoy will go a lot further than demands they may consider controlling. Open-ended communication is key to maintaining peace and some semblance of order when it finally comes down to decorating their rooms.
How can you help them with style, décor and colours as they transition out of the younger desire for themes?
Consider their personality, likes and dislikes.
Let them enjoy the process of creativity as they express their unique decorating styles. Take them shopping with you and have choice over what they are attracted to. What wall colours do they like? You may want to encourage a bold colour as an accent wall and toned-down colours for the other walls. Their sense of what they want and need might not be in alignment with the rest of the décor in your home; however, remember this is their space until they leave home a few years down the road.
If it is within your budget, a new bed and bed linen will make the feel of the room special and new. Raised beds are popular, and frames with drawers beneath are highly serviceable for their additional storage space. You will want their bed to be comfortable and inviting so they will enjoy their sleeps and feel rested. Let them decide what and where they would like to place their pictures or posters.
Minimize the mess.
Keep in mind that a cluttered and messy room doesn’t help support a clear and focused mind, and might additionally contribute to the confusion teenagers experience at this pivotal time in their life. Ask yourself: How you can help them keep their room uncluttered and organized with organizers, storage bins, hangers, and racks. Do they have enough space in their closets for closet organizers? What systems can you put in place, and how can you make a quick daily cleanup a pleasant task? Teaching your children these life skills from an early age will get them into healthy habits as they grow into teenagers.
One major consideration in decorating is that the environment will not be relaxing if it over stimulates their minds.
Whilst typically the bedroom should be without any technical, electrical gadgets, teenagers play by another set of rules; and need something different for their inner world. Try and find the balance. One part of the room might be designated for relaxation and downtime. If they have a console for games, they might like to hang out on the floor with pillows or beanbags, throws and a comfortable, colourful rug.
In another corner of the room create a space for their study desk and chair. It can be a small trestle type table with a drawer to organize their files and supplies. There might still be another corner for their bric-a-brac, pictures, and collection of the things they love.
Over the coming months with the weather warming up and spring-cleaning being a priority when opening up the house, you can include all the family to participate in de-cluttering their rooms and closets. Items can be sorted into boxes for garbage, recycling, and gifting away. Inclusion and helpful participation is always an encouraging way to getting things done around the house. Teenagers will take pride in keeping their bedrooms organized, while still maintaining their sense of independence.