Looking after Winter Indoor Plants
Looking after Winter Indoor Plants
Plants enjoy the winter for the rest in the dormant phase. They do not need feeding, and watering needs to be kept to a minimal,; making them less likely to become saturated and damp, and their roots can get the air they need as well.
Here are some tips for keeping your indoor winter plants healthy.
- Mist plants everyday.
- Use water that is slightly tepid rather than cold when watering.
- Let your plants dry out in between waterings.
- Remove dead leaves.
- Plants thrive when grouped together.
- Keep away from extreme heat, cold or droughts.
- Position plants to ensure they are getting sufficient light.
- Turn pots around periodically to even their exposure to the light.
- Clean the dust off leaves with wet cotton wool. Plugged pores on leaves make it difficult for the plant to breathe.
- Do a bug check: Remove white fluff, which could be the woolly aphid with a natural soap spray. Rub tiny bugs off stems or leaves of the plant with cotton wool. Cut off parts of the plant affected with the fine webbing of tiny red spider mites and mist around the plant to keep moist.
Many plants like peace lilies, rubber plants and elephant ears filter the air and provide oxygen, while absorbing contaminants. Keeping your plants in good condition is important for the health of your family and your home environment.
Looking after Winter Indoor Plants