Fall Edition 2023
We’re excited to share a link to our fall issue with you.
Currently, we’re accepting bookings for the January, February, March and April editions in Edmonton, Calgary, Kelowna, and Winnipeg. We still have a limited number of spots available, and we’d like to share our deals with you.
Secure two quarter-page ads for the January Edition and the Feb or March Editions for a total of just $897
To explore our wide-ranging collection of magazines, please visit https://www.magzter.com/CA/Ed-Ammar/Real-Home-Advice/Home/All-Issues.
If you have any inquiries or require further details, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Best regards,
Available in Print and Digital Formats
Edmonton | Calgary | Kelowna | Saskatchewan | Winnipeg
O +1 780.406.6441 | D +1 780.966.9494
12512 128 ST Edmonton AB T5L 1C8