Wood Pellet Stove

Wood Pellet Stove
Wood Pellet Stove to Wood Pellet Boiler – Alternative Heating
Trends come and go – grow and evolve! We are familiar with the wood pellet stove. A new development is the wood pellet boiler, which can save homeowners up to and between 40 – 60% on their heating costs. Europe has taken the lead in this updated technology.
Wood pellet boilers and furnaces can heat baseboard radiators, forced hot air systems, radiant floors and hot water or hydronic radiant systems. Boilers operate similar to oil and propane boilers, are automatic, and supply hot water heating as well as comfort control in specific zones.
The wood pellet boiler heating system is being touted as being a carbon-neutral fuel system that is better for our eco-system, rather than traditional heating fuels and electricity.
There are pros and cons for the wood pellet system:
- Wood pellets are readily available and lessen the environmental impact.
- They are not bulky and burn cleaner, and more convenient than firewood. Wood pellets are not subject to inflationary trends, neither impacted by world markets unlike other fuel sources.
- Pellets are bulkier and a little less convenient than oil and gas or electricity. Wood pellets need to be loaded frequently. Care of the heat exchanger in boilers requires brushing periodically, especially when used more often in the winter season. Ash bins need to be emptied, and the mineral nutrient-rich ash can be spread in the garden and other natural areas.
- Manufacturers are now able to refit homes with the wood pellet boiler either as the primary source for the home or secondary back-up boiler. Wood pellets are a sustainable, renewable and carbon-neutral fuel source. If you are contemplating creating a new or additional back-up fuel source you may want to look into the latest in eco-heating solutions like the wood pellet boiler.